Jonathan Green Mag-I-Cal Soil Food for Lawns in Acidic Soil - Soil Amendment for Grass (5,000 Sq. Ft.) - Simplified title: Mag-I-Cal Soil Food for Lawns in Acidic Soil - 5,000 Sq. Ft.
ENCOURAGES NUTRIENT ABSORPTION - Mag-I-Cal increases the ability of your grass to utilize nutrients in the soil. Lawn fertilizer is wasted when soil pH is not balanced. When the soil chemistry is balanced, the nutrients are able to be absorbed.
COMPLETE COVERAGE - This 18 lb bag covers up to 5,000 sq. ft and can be used in spring, summer, or fall. Use the Jonathan Green Pro pH & Moisture Soil Tester (11100) or Soil pH Test Kit for Lawns (11595) to measure the soil pH of your yard.
INCLUDES CALCIUM AND HUMATES - Calcium plays a crucial role in various functions of grass plants. It is easily accessible in Mag-I-Cal for absorption by plants or for adjusting pH levels. Additionally, Mag-I-Cal incorporates humates that promote microbial activity in the soil and enhance root growth.
RAISES SOIL PH - Lawns thrive in soil with pH levels between 6.2 and 7.0. When soil pH is below this range grass becomes light green, weeds persist, and fertilizer nutrients aren't fully absorbed. Mag-I-Cal rapidly and efficiently raises soil pH.
USE IN PLACE OF LIMESTONE - 1 bag of Mag-I-Cal Soil Food has the pH adjusting power of up to 5 bags of limestone. Our soil amendment contains calcium carbonate in a completely soluble form that is immediately available to adjust soil pH upwards.